Join me with Topaz Labs today at 4 PM Central Standard Time

I will be discussing how to successfully add the artistic expression to your images without destroying the integrity of them with technical flaws.  More often than not, we make technical flaws without even knowing it.  What seems like an artistic expression, or “Cool”, can be construed as a technical flaw to experienced photographers.  I will show you how to edit your images with Topaz plugins without making those fatal moves!

I showed a sneak peek of this on the blog last Friday using Topaz DeNoise to eliminate noise in Long Exposure nocturnal photos.  I will see you in the Webinar!

Topaz Plug-Ins I will be demonstrating during the Webinar:

  1. Clarity
  2. DeNoise 5
  3. Adjust 5
  4. Lens Effects
  5. Detail 3
  6. Black & White Effects 2
  7. Restyle

Sign Up for the Webinar!

 Click the image below to see the Sneak Peek! 

DeNoise Compare


Blake Rudis
f.64 Academy and f.64 Elite are the brainchildren of Blake Rudis. While he is a landscape photographer, he is most passionate about post-processing images in Photoshop and mentoring others.

For Blake, it's all about the art and process synergy. He dives deep into complex topics and makes them easy to understand through his outside-the-box thinking so that you can use these tricks in your workflow today!
Blake Rudis on EmailBlake Rudis on FacebookBlake Rudis on InstagramBlake Rudis on PinterestBlake Rudis on TwitterBlake Rudis on Youtube
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