Topaz ReMask 5 Not Just for Photoshop Anymore!

Topaz ReMask 5 is the latest addition to the Topaz Labs line of programs.  While it used to be a powerful Photoshop Plugin, it now acts as an impressive standalone program.  This is not surprising as Topaz Labs has been making a strong push toward stand alone plugins with the likes of Impression and Glow most recently.  While not entirely different from Topaz ReMask 4, Topaz ReMask 5 does come with one very interesting new feature.

Get Topaz ReMask 5 for $49 ($20 off) through September 18th!

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Topaz ReMask 5

Topaz did upgrade their fourth iteration to Topaz ReMask 5.  This is a free upgrade to any previous owners of ReMask.  So what’s new with ReMask 5?

From Topaz Labs:

ReMask 5 works as a standalone program now, in addition to being a plugin. This means no host program is required and Lightroom integration is available. ReMask 5 also allows you to replace and edit the background of your masked image without leaving the program. Choose from transparent, solid color, or image backgrounds.

Many of you who are familiar with Topaz ReMask 4 will not see too much of a difference in the interface.  That is until you compute your Mask.  After computation ReMask will have a few options available below the standard adjustments you are familiar with.

These options include ways to incorporate a background.  You can choose between the standard transparent background, a solid color fill, and a Background.  I have found the solid color fill to work wonders with checking my masks by adding colors like Orange, Cyan, or Magenta.

Topaz ReMask 5 opens a world of options for people who do not own Photoshop.  However, for us using Photoshop nothing really changed.  If you are curious to see more check out the Free Tutorial Friday below.


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Blake Rudis
f.64 Academy and f.64 Elite are the brainchildren of Blake Rudis. While he is a landscape photographer, he is most passionate about post-processing images in Photoshop and mentoring others.

For Blake, it's all about the art and process synergy. He dives deep into complex topics and makes them easy to understand through his outside-the-box thinking so that you can use these tricks in your workflow today!
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