Last week I launched my eBooks on Amazon for free.  All 3 for free for 3 days.  The results of the launch were incredible! 14,070 copies were downloaded.  I am ecstatic to see that many people will be reading what I have to say about Photography and HDR. Stats for fre download June 2014 2 With such success of the free eBooks I decided to launch a giveaway for 2 people to win a one year subscription to HDR Insider and a copy of the Black White and Beyond: The Digital Zone System Training Package. 

The Giveaway will go through June 30th so you have plenty of time to enter and spread the word! If you have not experienced either of these items, now is a better time than ever to take a look and get signed up.

I receive emails on a daily basis describing how helpful both the DZS and HDR Insider are.  HDR Insider is a place where people are learning HDR photography at an exponential rate.  Really, I have seen complete newbies to the process become extremely good in less than a month.

Since its inception in November of 2013 new content has been added monthly making it a treasure trove of information in less than a year. The community is incredible and extremely helpful to one another.  I had no idea It would transpire into such an inspirational community.  While I wish I could take credit for its success, it is not me that makes it successful.  It is the contributions of the members and how willing they are to take it to the next level!

Don’t even get me started on the Digital Zone System!  I could talk about it for months!  However, I did update the intro video on the site with a 10 minute crash course.

If you could do me a huge favor and sign up to win these systems that would be awesome!  The drawing ends on June 30th, so that leaves plenty of time to enter and share it with your friends!

Blake Rudis
f.64 Academy and f.64 Elite are the brainchildren of Blake Rudis. While he is a landscape photographer, he is most passionate about post-processing images in Photoshop and mentoring others.

For Blake, it's all about the art and process synergy. He dives deep into complex topics and makes them easy to understand through his outside-the-box thinking so that you can use these tricks in your workflow today!
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