To Grandmother’s House I Went

To Grandmother’s House I Went

I recently traveled back to, what I like to call my home town, Scranton Pennsylvania.  The circumstances were less than ideal as a death in the family never finds anyone well.  However, the family came together and celebrated the life of the most amazing woman I have...
HDR Concert 3 Is Here!

HDR Concert 3 Is Here!

Download the Brackets here. The 3rd installment of the HDR concert is upon us.  Please join me and many others in another HDR performance, the last two were such a success I cannot wait to see this months entries.  This one should be pretty explosive, no pun intended!...
A Few More From Union Station

A Few More From Union Station

Last weeks Union Station trip has provided me with many brackets to process and as I have been working with them I have been trying new things.  Well, I wouldn’t necessarily say new, but revisiting an old friend.  I started my photography journey at 17 in the...
Topaz DeNoise 5 Review

Topaz DeNoise 5 Review

When it comes to HDR tone mapping, noise can be your worst enemy and many times can separate a good shot from a great shot.  However, there are a plethora of options on the market for noise reduction.  If you are anything like me, you like to attack the noise after...
HDR Expose 2 Review

HDR Expose 2 Review

I was recently contacted by Unified Color to do a product review of HDR Expose 2.  It seems it is still in it’s developmental stages but has plenty or room to adapt to the HDR world due to it’s many positive attributes.  While it will not produce...
Foxx Equipment Graffiti

Foxx Equipment Graffiti

I was on my way to the Kauffman Center last week to shoot it through sunset and couldn’t help but stop and take a few shots of this epic graffiti mural.  I planned out a Panorama that would have captured this mural in it’s entirety, however, I made a HUGE...