by Blake Rudis | Aug 12, 2016 | Beginner, Product Review, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
A Review of the Tamrac Anvil Slim 15 and the Corona 20 Camera Bags I have been using Tamrac bags for quite a while. My first and most favorite bag (until now) was the old Tamrac Adventurer bag. It got me through quite a few Workshops and, as the name implies,...
by Blake Rudis | Aug 9, 2016 | f64 Academy News |
Printing on Metal: All Metal Prints are not Created Equal I have been printing on Metal for a long time, three or four years at the least. Over the course of time, I have printed with many companies. Some are the best in the industry, and some are the rock bottom...
by Blake Rudis | Aug 5, 2016 | Intermediate, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
This is the Innovation of still imagery: Plotagraph Pro The photography industry is in a whirlwind of advancement and innovation. From super wide angle lenses with little distortion to flying cameras that can avoid obstacles, it is difficult to keep up with and...
by Blake Rudis | Aug 2, 2016 | f64 Academy News, Live Events, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
A handful of tips for Long Exposure Photography During this Facebook Live Event, I shared “5 Practical Tips for Long Exposure Photography”. I wanted to share these tips because it is very easy to convolute the process of making images with ND Filters....
by Blake Rudis | Jul 29, 2016 | Intermediate, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
Do not be intimidated, clean your camera sensor with ease! I can remember the first time I realized I needed to clean my camera sensor. I was on a mini vacation with my wife, and I was shooting her glowing, radiant, and very pregnant portrait on the boardwalk of...
by Blake Rudis | Jul 26, 2016 | f64 Academy News, Live Events, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
An in-depth look at Yosemite National Park During this (recorded) Live Event, I will take you on a photo Tour of Yosemite. We went to the park in May with a truly talented group of photographers with Shutter Click Adventures. It was a great trip, but it required a...