by Blake Rudis | Jul 9, 2021 | f64 Academy News |
Tone Assessment and Tone Theory are the Building Blocks of Great Images If you have followed me for almost any amount of time, I have probably taught you a few things that you thought were pretty awesome. What I am going to show you today is the most is, in my...
by Blake Rudis | May 28, 2021 | f64 Academy News, Intermediate, Tutorial |
Thinking about which Color Adjustment Layer is better than the other just may make you go cross-eyed unless you break them down. In this video, we are going to discuss which is better for color modification, Hue and Saturation, or Selective Color? We will discuss...
by Blake Rudis | Feb 12, 2021 | f64 Academy News, Intermediate, Tutorial |
I am on a mission today to see if I can make a better brush than the big soft edge brush in Photoshop. You might be asking, why Blake, why can’t you leave well enough alone? My wife says the same things to me all the time. Truth is, I like the big soft brush...
by Blake Rudis | Jan 29, 2021 | Beginner, f64 Academy News, Intermediate, Tutorial |
Vignettes in Photoshop and ACR + Lightroom Vignettes are extremely powerful tools for grabbing your viewer’s attention. They can very quickly make an ordinary photo look incredible! But, there are some problems with traditional vignettes. 1. They can look too...
by Blake Rudis | Dec 4, 2020 | f64 Academy News, Intermediate, Tutorial |
Let’s REALLY Learn How To Use Selective Color Color Theory, you know it’s my favorite topic, right? Today I have a really awesome tip for you on how to intensify the colors in your image using the Selective Color Adjustment Layer. We often think of the...
by Blake Rudis | Nov 13, 2020 | Beginner, f64 Academy News, Tutorial |
The Critiquer Gets Critiqued! As you may know, I conduct critique sessions on f.64 Elite. I have been doing these sessions for over 7 years and in that time have critiqued just about 900-1000 images. But in that time, I have never had a critique session of my own. ...
by Blake Rudis | Apr 1, 2020 | Beginner, f64 Academy News, Intermediate, Tutorial |
Over the last few days, I have been keeping myself occupied with a little game I made up for Photoshop. It takes the concept of Craps and puts it into an actionable (pun intended) game for Photoshop, “Photoshop Craps”. The best part about this game is that...
by Blake Rudis | Oct 3, 2019 | f64 Academy News |
The Leader in the Bundle World for a Reason – 5DayDeal Team Many people are talking about the ‘buzz’ surrounding the 5DayDeal right now. I will spare you my thoughts on the bundle (I have nothing but great things to say) and instead give you my...
by Blake Rudis | May 17, 2019 | f64 Academy News |
Making My Boys Smile in Photoshop ? Wanna hear the story of how I made my boys smile in Photoshop? This last Mother’s Day my wife wanted nothing more than a picture of all of us together on Mother’s Day. We don’t get dressed up much, in fact with my...
by Blake Rudis | Feb 14, 2019 | f64 Academy News, Intermediate, Tutorial |
Enhance Details in ACR and Lightroom This week, Adobe released an update for ACR and Lightroom. This update was a minor one that came with a major feature that much of the internet is talking about. This new feature is called Enhance Details. This is what Adobe...