Dehaze in Photoshop CC 2015

Dehaze in Photoshop CC 2015

Let's look at what this Dehaze in Photoshop is all about! When Photoshop CC updated last month they added a new feature, Dehaze in Photoshop.  However, you won't find it in Photoshop it is nestled deeply inside Adobe Camera Raw in the Effects panel.  I guess that is a...

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Dodging and Burning in ACR or Lr

Dodging and Burning in ACR or Lr

Dodging and Burning is not just a Photoshop thing! I will be the first person to advocate that Dodging and Burning is the most powerful technique we have in our arsenal as Digital Artists to make incredible images in Photoshop.  These techniques can be used to add...

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The New HDR Insider…coming soon!

The New HDR Insider…coming soon!

There is a new look coming to HDR Insider Tomorrow morning HDR Insider is going to go under some Scheduled Maintenance from 8 am - 10 am.  When it comes out of its slumber it is going to have a fresh new look and a bunch of new features that will be added over time.  ...

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Topaz Labs Webinar | The Good from the Bad

Topaz Labs Webinar | The Good from the Bad

There is always something good, even in the worst scenario!   One of the things I have learned in my adult life is that there is always something Good that can come out of the worst instances.  If you keep your energy positive and focus on what good can come, you...

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