Exposing the Mystery of ND Filters

Exposing the Mystery of ND Filters

This is a rather long ND Filter post, use the links below to skip to the desired section: Part 1: How to Speak Neutral Density Part 2: What is Neutral Density? Part 3: What do ND Filters look like and how do you attach them? Part 4: What effect will they have on my...

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How to Make a Tree in Photoshop CC

How to Make a Tree in Photoshop CC

I was working on this photograph the other day and after about 30 minutes of work I realized I didn't really like it.  It seemed like it was missing something.  So I looked through some filters and remembered at one point in Photoshop you could render a tree.  haha, I...

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Why I love 500px.com

Why I love 500px.com

Accomplish something today... (it will make sense at the end of the post) As a photographer I love sharing my work, but it is incredibly difficult to find a place that shares your images the way they should be seen.  For a while I liked Facebook.  It was quick, easy...

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The Survey Results Are In!

The Survey Results Are In!

And The Survey Says... I used to watch the Family Feud all the time growing up and I loved that line, "..and the survey says".  Have you seen the The new Family Feud?  It is quite lewd. I want to start this off by saying thank you!  There were a total of 696 responses...

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Rokinon 14mm Lens Review

Rokinon 14mm Lens Review

A Beast of a Wide Angle Lens   I recently purchased the Rokinon (also called Samyang) 14mm Wide Angle Lens for my Canon 6D.  I had previously owned the 8mm Fish Eye for my Olympus and loved it so I knew I couldn't go wrong with its big brother for the Canon...

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Topaz Glow: A Closer Look

Topaz Glow: A Closer Look

Blending Options within Glow   During the Topaz Webinar on Tuesday I showed quite a bit of information.  After the webinar my head was spinning, it felt like an hour went by in 5 minutes!  Sorry if you got sucked into my whirlwind of tips and tricks and spit out...

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