by Blake Rudis | May 22, 2015 | f64 Academy News, Intermediate, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
Tell your friends you are a Black and White Conversion Boss after watching this tutorial! Coming up in the next 24 hours or so I have a webinar with the Photoshop and Lightroom Group for their Adobe Connect Event. I will be showing how to Master Tone and Color in...
by Blake Rudis | May 8, 2015 | Intermediate, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
HDR in Camera Raw Rocks! Lightroom received a lot of hype and hoopla over the awaited merge to HDR in Lightroom without going into Photoshop, which is a great feature. However, Lightroom is not the only Adobe product that received a makeover a few weeks ago. As many...
by Blake Rudis | Apr 3, 2015 | Intermediate, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
So sharp you just may cut yourself… Earlier in the week (Read the article Extinguishing Software Anguish) I discussed just how powerful Photoshop is and how it may be the only piece of software you will ever need. This week’s Free Tutorial surely...
by Blake Rudis | Jan 23, 2015 | Intermediate, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
Blend if what??? There have been numerous occasions that I have gone into Photoshop, double clicked on a layer to adjust the Layer Styles and have seen the “Blend if” dialogue. I always thought, “Blend if what?”. I also cannot tell you how...
by Blake Rudis | Jan 9, 2015 | Intermediate, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
Want to replace a sky like a Boss!?! We have all been down this road. We go to a place that is gorgeous, on our bucket list. We have visions of amazing sunrises, beautiful cloudy afternoons, and sunsets that just won’t stop making you drool. However, when we get...
by Blake Rudis | Dec 19, 2014 | Intermediate, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
One of the most important parts of your workflow… automated! Dodging and Burning is one of the most important parts of your workflow. I would put it right up there with Noise Reduction and Sharpening. It is a time when you get to dictate where the viewer pays...
by Blake Rudis | Dec 5, 2014 | Intermediate, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
Tone Mapping Meets Painting Recently on HDR Insider I showed a full length workflow tutorial on how to make a great HDR image from a single exposure. More often than not, we get way in over our heads with HDR processing that we forget that sometimes all you need is a...
by Blake Rudis | Nov 28, 2014 | Intermediate, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
A Little Bit Sharper Over the last few years I have used many different Sharpening Techniques. I have found some better than others, from the High Pass to the Unsharp Mask to the various Plugins. All of these techniques are pretty great and do a decent job of...
by Blake Rudis | Oct 23, 2014 | Intermediate, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
Who doesn’t love Zombies and Actions! I was watching the Walking Dead the other day while playing around in Photoshop and thought, “Man that intro looks incredible! I bet I could mimic it in Photoshop, because it would look great on some old HDR...
by Blake Rudis | Oct 10, 2014 | Intermediate, Post Processing, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
Automated Color Correction? Yes, there are FREE Actions at the end!Yes it is true, there is a way to auto color correct your images. The idea is simple, but pretty complex all at the same time… kinda like marriage ? (If you are reading this, I love you...