Free Photoshop Tutorials!

Scroll through the list of free Photoshop tutorials at your leisure.   Visit frequently as this list is ever-changing.

Beginner Post Processing Tutorials

Designed for those who are just starting out with photo post processing.  However, even the seasoned pro can learn something new here.

The Color Blend Mode in Photoshop

The Color Blend Mode in Photoshop

The Color Blend Mode can be extremely powerful The Color Blend Mode in Photoshop has slowly become my new favorite toy.  I am using it in many more ways than I ever imagined and today I will show you how.  The Artist's Eye:  A Closer Look will be launching very...

How to Make Your Adobe Portfolio

How to Make Your Adobe Portfolio

There is no excuse for poor representation!  Get on the web with your Adobe Portfolio! Recently Adobe Portfolio was announced as an added benefit to those of us high on the Creative Cloud.  While you may have overlooked that email, I implore you to take a closer look...

How to edit Cell Phone Pictures

How to edit Cell Phone Pictures

Edit cell phone pictures like the Photoshop boss that you are! Every once in a while I receive a request to show my workflow editing cell phone pictures.  At first I thought this would be impossible as I rarely show my cell phone pictures to anyone.  Every once in a...

Dehaze Brush in ACR and Lightroom

Dehaze Brush in ACR and Lightroom

Finally, Dehaze Brush in ACR and Lightroom It goes to show you that if enough people ask Adobe will listen. A Dehaze Brush feature has been added to ACR and Lr with the most recent update to Photoshop and Lightroom.  This is great news and really opens the floor to...

Spiral Flower Fun in Photoshop

Spiral Flower Fun in Photoshop

The Spiral Flower Graphic EffectThis is something new to me, the Spiral Flower effect, but not totally new to the wonderful world of Photoshop.  It was originally published on this site a few years back (December 2011) and that individual...

Intermediate Post Processing Tutorials

For those who already know a trick or two in Photoshop and want to learn a bit more.

How to Render a Tree in Photoshop

How to Render a Tree in Photoshop

Tree We can't always have beautiful trees in fields for the best photo ops... or can we? Photoshop has a filter called Render Tree. It's a neat little filter that while clever, very rarely can pass as a real tree. However, if you look at a photo of a real tree in a...

A Strong Case for 50% Gray

A Strong Case for 50% Gray

The 50% Gray Layer for Dodging and Burning is STILL Valid Dodging and Burning, a very contentious topic among the community. Why?  Because some people will outwardly chastise you for using a method that they feel is "archaic" or "dated" or "unnecessary".  Every time I...

HDR Processing in 2020

HDR Processing in 2020

I know what you are thinking by reading that title... Blake has lost his mind and found the HDR Kool-Aid Mix and drank too much again.. right?  Not necessarily! Many of you may have followed me before 2016 when this very blog was called, it feels like...

A Better Way to Dodge and Burn in Photoshop

A Better Way to Dodge and Burn in Photoshop

Soft Light Dodging and Burning is for the Birds! Over the years, I have taught you many different techniques for Dodging and Burning.  I have shown Curves Layers, 50% Gray Fill, even automated methods for Dodging and Burning.  All the while, I had taught you these...

Color Grading in Lightroom and ACR 13.0

Color Grading in Lightroom and ACR 13.0

More Color Grading in RAW The new Color Grading features in Adobe Camera RAW and Lightroom with the new update to Photoshop are awesome!  I know Capture One and other programs have had this for a while, but those don't really work too well in my workflow as I prefer...

Advanced Post Processing Tutorials

While the title says “Advanced”, this category is for anyone who wants advance themselves further in photo post processing.  While these tutorials are not for the Faint of Heart, they are taught to a level anyone who is willing can understand.

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